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Hypnotherapy news collated on 10th Jul 2014

news collated by the hypnotherapy dundee practice

A few things in the world of hypnotherapy that have caught our eyes this week, which you might find of interest…


5 Science-backed Health Benefits of Hypnosis

Personal experience and results of hypnosis is the best indicator on an individual basis of course.  However, it’s always good to learn of studies and reports carried out on a much wider scale by the scientific community.

This excellent article from the Huffington Post goes into detail of the following 5 benefits of hypnosis:

  1. Hypnosis can help improve deep sleep
  2. Hypnosis can ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  3. Hypnosis can quell hot flashes
  4. Hypnosis can ease pain
  5. Hypnosis can calm nerves


Spring clean your mind with help from hypnotherapy

This article from the Gloucestershire Echo nicely covers how instead of using hypnotherapy to laser focus on a particular problem or issue in life (phobia, obstacle, trauma, etc.), it can be used as a general “cleaning” tool.

Taking your mind – with all of its noise, voices, fears, doubts, and mess – and giving it a thorough clean out, can help enormously in clearing the decks to deal with your present and your future.


Hypnotherapy helped me exercise

Newspapers and magazines seem to have an endlessly relentless supply of celebrity news and updates, and hearing how hypnotherapy can be used in these circles can be interesting and insightful.

However, the stories are usually of weight loss being targeted, or removing a fear of public speaking in their busy Hollywood lives.

It was therefore nice to read of a story where hypnosis and hypnotherapy were actually used to help someone with the challenge of exercising.

This Xpose Entertainment piece covers the challenge and success encountered by actress Olivia Munn.


Find out more about Morag McMaster.

Get in touch with our hypnotherapy practice in Dundee, to see how our treatments could assist you.

Thanks for reading.

